Sunday, August 9, 2009

Some Summer Insects

In addition to my camera, telephoto lens and tripod I also like to carry my Canon 100mm Macro lens with me in the summer in case I find any interesting insects.

Tailed Copper - Waldo Canyon - 7-12-2009

The Mueller butterfly and moth were in the same area by School Pond. I would like to have stayed longer to see what else was around but the strong smell of black bear made me want keep moving.

Hoary Comma - Mueller State Park - 8-2-2009

Ctenucha Venosa? Moth - Mueller State Park - 8-2-2009

Ctenucha Venosa? Moth - Mueller State Park - 8-2-2009

Aphrodite Fritillary - Ute Valley Park - 7-5-2009

This small flowering plant had 8-10 of these wasps on it. They look wicked but are not at all aggressive so I was taking pictures with my macro lens a few inches away. When I got home I did some research and found out that they probably have the most painful sting in North America. As adults they eat flowers and pollen. They kill tarantulas to provide a food source for their larval young.

Tarantula Hawk - Brush Hollow Reservoir - 7-18-2009

Robber Fly with prey - DeWeese Reservoir - 7-18-2009

Robber Fly with prey - DeWeese Reservoir - 7-18-2009

With their intensely white tail, this species of dragonfly is difficult to photograph in full sunlight. This particular dragonfly waited patiently while I took several photos, checking the over-exposure alert and using exposure compensation to adjust the exposure so that the tail wouldn't be over exposed.

White Tail Dragonfly male - Bonny Reservoir State Park - 8-8-2009 - Canon 400mm

White Tail Dragonfly female - Bonny Reservoir State Park - 8/8/2009 - Canon 400mm

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