Thursday, July 30, 2009

Williamson's Sapsuckers

Earlier this month I photographed this pair of Williamson's Sapsuckers at Genessee Mountain Park west of Denver. The nest is in an area that gets a lot of foot traffic and the birds appear to have little fear of people. It is amazing how hard this pair was working to keep their chicks fed.

Williamson's Sapsucker male

Williamson's Sapsucker female

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ramah SWA

Saturday I drove out to Ramah State Wildlife Area to see if there was any water in Ramah Reservoir. With the unusual amount of rain that we have had here this summer I thought the reservoir might have recovered. It was still completely dry. It's strange that last year it was full and this year it is dry.

Not having any water really limits the wildlife so it was really quiet. I did find some Western Kingbirds feeding their young.

Western Kingbird feeding young

Western Kingbird (immature)

This Northern Mockingbird acted like it was part of the Western Kingbird family.

Northern Mockingbird

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Reddish Egret at DeWeese Reservoir

Reddish Egret

It has been a great summer for rare birds visiting Colorado. Right on the heels of the Black Vulture comes a Reddish Egret to DeWeese Reservoir. This bird, first reported by Rich Miller on July 17th, will likly be the 9th or 10th reported in Colorado.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Black Vulture

Black Vultures rarely visit Colorado. For several days one has been staying at Castlewood Canyon State Park. The Turkey Vultures seem to love this place so it seems fitting that the Black Vulture would end up here.

Black Vulture

While waiting for the Black Vulture to make an appearance a few other attractive birds stopped by the parking area to get there photographs taken.

Young Bluebird

Lazuli Bunting

Lazuli Bunting

Sunday, July 5, 2009

San Luis Hills

San Luis Hills

Last weekend I was in the San Luis Valley visiting my parents. We went over to the San Luis Hills to look for Black-throated and Sage Sparrows. We didn't have much luck with the sparrows but it was a good trip anyway. It is amazing how such a dry desert like environment can be so full of life.

The Green-tailed Towhee always seems to keep a stick between it and a photographer. Maybe someday I will get an unobstructed view.

Green-tailed Towhee

This place was crawling with insects. A little rain does wonders.

Three-banded Grasshopper

We also took a loop through the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge. It was fairly quiet but it was fun watching the baby American Avocet chicks.

American Avocet chick