Saturday, May 23, 2009

Manitou Lake

Looking for a change of scenery I headed up to Manitou Lake. Manitou Lake is a small mountain lake outside of the town of Woodland Park. For the most part the lake had very few birds but lots of fishermen. There were eight American White Pelicans on the lake that seemed out of place and rather striking in this environment.

American White Pelican

Black-chinned Hummingbird

At one end of the lake is a boardwalk that goes through a cattail marsh. I sat on the boardwalk for about 10 minutes and saw a Virginia Rail and a Sora. I also heard some really strange calls (like a laughing Java the Hut) coming from what I believe were the Virgina Rail. It is hard to believe that an animal that small can make such a loud and deep sound.

Friday, May 22, 2009

More Good Migrants in Colorado Springs

It has been a great migration season for Colorado Springs. Most of this activity takes place in Sonderman Park and Fountain Creek Nature Center (south of Colorado Springs). For me it has been all about Vireos. I have added 3 new Vireos to my life list. The White-eyed, Yellow-throated and Plumbeous Vireos. The following photos were all taken on the same day.

Warbling Vireo
Sonderman Park

Plumbeous Vireo
Fountain Creek Nature Center

White-eyed Vireo
Sonderman Park

Yellow-throated Vireo
Fountain Creek Nature Center

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Uncommon Migrants at Sonderman Park

After work on Wednesday I stopped by Sonderman park to try to locate a White-eyed Vireo that had been reported earlier. When I arrived a ran into two skilled and helpful birders, Cici and Jeannie, who pointed out an unusual Brewster's Warbler (a Blue-winged x Golden-winged hybrid).

After watching the Brewsters for a while I continued my search for the White-eyed Vireo. I don't usually have much luck chasing after small migrant birds but this was obviously my lucky day.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A few more spring birds

The following photos were taken at Swallows State Wildlife Area after a spring snow. I don't recommend this area after a snow/rain. It's easy getting in but difficult getting out.

Mountain Bluebird

Says Phoebe

Western Bluebird

Mountain Bluebird

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Last Chance Colorado

Last weekend I headed out east to the Last Chance reststop in Last Chance Colorado. Last Chance has a migrant trap that consists of a small pond and some trees. During the 3 hours that I was there I ended up with 6 new life birds (L).

This list:
Hermit Thrush (L)
Swainson's Thrush (L)
Northern Waterthrush (L)
White-throated Sparrow (L)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (L)
Green-tailed Towhee (L)
Common Yellowthroat
Orange-crowned Warbler
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Lincoln Sparrow
Red-breasted Nuthatch

Hermit Thrush

White-throated Sparrow

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Rose-breasted Grosbeak